![Current Economic Structure (CES)](https://mak-llc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CES-1.1.png)
Mostly 3 (Three) to 5 (Five) Owners in CES with huge loan amount. Concentration of wealth in the hands of few people.
1.0 Characteristics of CES
1.2 Big amount of loan from FIs
These few people arrange lot of amount from banks or other financial institutions. Sometimes even beyond their means.
1.3 Poor wages/salary structure
They pay or are forced to pay to the employees especially poor workers.
1.5 Less transparent
They are less transparent and don’t like to provide detailed information about the project status.
1.6 No/Less academic research
Almost no or very few research is conducted on the project health.
1.7 Frequent Lay off
Due to various reasons including management problem, fund crisis, labour unrest the authority is forced to lay off the project.
1.9 Wastage of resources
The project as well as the country waste lot of resources like machine, building, land. No use of machine, building or land.
![PAR-BASED ECONOMIC STRUCTURE](https://mak-llc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/PES-1.1.png)
1 (One) A&F Line is transformed into minimum 20 Units. 100 (One Hundred) Owners per A&F (Assembly & Finishing) Line. Very small amount of loan. Better monthly income. Distribution of wealth to more people instead of few.
Development of Target Units (Min.) : 135 each (120+120) = 240 Pairs Per Shift per day . Total productivity: 32,400 Pairs per Shift of Sport Shoes and other footwear*. In Shift-A, Red 1,350, Green 1,350 & Blue Team 135 people. Total People (Min.) 2,835 in Shift-A. In Two Shifts (Shift-A & B), 64,800 Pairs by 5,670 People. In Three Shifts (Shift-A, B & C), 97,200 Pairs (i.e. 100,000 Pairs) per day by 8,505 People.
Target Starting Point: Team Musa- 48 Pairs in Shift-A (One side of the Heating Oven) by two people only. Musa & Milon along with Nazmin, Musa’s wife. From 2 March 2024, Saturday.
2.0 Characteristics of PES
2.1 More entrepreneurs
More people will be involved under PES through academia. Academia/Teachers/Researchers will take initiative in a responsible way to create jobs for the graduates and others in need. Entrepreneurs will employ themselves and others in their EOBs.
2.2 Small amount of loan from FIs
The EOBs will arrange small amount of loan from ethical FIs only. Loan amount is allocated to each entrepreneur.
2.3 Satisfactory wages/salary structure
Entrepreneurs will make decide what remuneration they want and how to achieve the target amount.
2.4 Easy to repay loan
Loan amount is very small because instalment is calculated and paid on daily basis. The load is lighter for each entrepreneur based on their daily income. Loan amount is repaid collectively under corporate agreement with the FIs.
2.5 Fully transparent
The EOBs are fully transparent. All the information available on Oracle-based ERP Solution for the concerned authorities.
2.6 Based on academic research (PAR)
The EOBs are based on PAR (Participatory Action Research)
2.7 No complete lay off
Since the project is divided and decentralised with different units of EOBs, the full project will never be laid off. It may be lay off partly for the time being.
2.8 Massive employment
PES has the prospect of massive new job opportunities in different kind of industrial projects.
2.9 Utilisation of unused or less used resources through EOBs
Wastage of resources will be minimum because of EOBs developed under PES.